Donors / JGive Gold

Like a bank account, just for donations

Manage all your giving in one place, online.


Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)

Your digital wallet


Smart deposit

Contribute to your fund by transferring your intended yearly donation amount or by setting up a standing order, and receive an immediate tax-deductible receipt.


Strategic giving

Earmark specific funds for giving but park them in your digital wallet until you discover the causes closest to your heart.


Mindful donation

Grant from your account's balance to any recognized Israeli charity of your choice, whenever you want.

DAF advantages

Deposit at your convenience, donate at your pace:

Your transferred funds instantly qualify as donations, maximizing your tax benefits. Enjoy the flexibility of selecting giving targets whenever you want.

Streamlined giving, tailored to you

Set up automatic deposits, mirroring your monthly savings routine. Establish a recurring donation to ensure the dedication of funds for impactful causes.

JGive במספרים

מצטרפים למאות אלפי התורמים והתורמות שבחרו להעביר את הפעילות החברתית שלהם ל- JGive.

ש״ח בתרומות


What is a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF)?

A DAF is an innovative financial tool that empowers donors to contribute more, over time, while maximizing tax benefits.

What tax advantages does a DAF offer?

A DAF allows for the separation between the deposit stage and the actual donation stage. This separation essentially enables you to allocate funds that you wish to donate in the future, immediately receive a tax-deductible receipt providing a 35% credit, and donate over time to any registered charity in Israel.

How is this possible?

Your fund, managed by JGive, operates under the umbrella of “Keren Asor”, a recognized Israeli nonprofit. Therefore, each deposit into your fund is treated as a transfer to a nonprofit, enabling us to generate a tax receipt for the deposit- even before the actual donation is made. This process is facilitated through our digital platform, accessible from anywhere, anytime.

How much does it cost?

The use of the fund, up to a deposit ceiling of 50,000 NIS, is free of charge. For details regarding deposits, see here. For more information about accounts over 50,000 NIS please see here.

Is there a minimum total deposit required to open a fund?

No, our aim is to cultivate a culture of giving in and to Israel, for everyone; we offer our services to anyone looking to make a positive impact.

How do I deposit?

In your personal area, simply click on "Make a Deposit." You can transfer funds via bank transfer or by credit card. For deposits in foreign currencies, feel free to reach out to us at After depositing, you can choose to donate the funds in the account over time and for various purposes.

How do I get a tax refund?

Upon confirming the deposit into the account, a recognized tax receipt for the entire amount will appear in your Personal Area.

How long can funds sit in the account until the donation is actually made?

For balances up to 5,000 NIS, funds can remain in the account for up to two calendar years before requiring donation to any charity of your choice. In accounts with an open balance of 5,000-35,000 NIS, 35% of the total fund balance must be donated at the end of two calendar years.

How can I track my account transactions?

All transactions, including deposits, grants, and available receipts for download are visible in your Personal Area. Each action taken is itemized, with detailed information such as date, amount, status, and more.

Is it possible to donate anonymously?

Absolutely. As the DAF is managed by us, the charity will always view the donation as a transfer from JGive unless you specify during the donation process that you want to include your name.

Which charities can I grant to? 

Any! As long as the charity has article 46 status and a Certificate of Proper Management, you can make grants to them from your personal area. Access your personal area, click on "Donate," and select your target and amount.

I pay taxes in the US and the UK. Can I deposit in these currencies?

Yes. You can deposit in USD or GBP and receive a tax-recognized receipt in the same currency as your deposit. We have a US based entity called JGive Friends of Asor Fund USA Inc., a recognized tax-exempt public charity as described in section 501(c)(3) of the tax code for US based donations. For UK deposits we work with our partners, KKL Smartgiving UK.

I already have a DAF abroad. Why should I open another one?

Many of our donors have a DAF abroad and a corresponding JGive DAF for managing all their Israeli giving. A JGive DAF facilitates quick and efficient donations to all Israeli nonprofits while bypassing the bureaucracy involved in international transfers. This enables you to contribute to various Israeli causes you care about in a simpler, more efficient, and faster manner, while significantly reducing costs.
